... a lot of people are recuperating, or something. There were just three diehards in the woodshop: Henry Vincent, John Faulhaber, and Paul (the new guy) Cronin. And one lonely misanthrope over in Barn 8.

And Henry was painting pieces of tack molding. I should point out that there are very few interurban freight trailers in existence, and none of the others are in good condition. The 810 is the only one being restored, and George and the others are doing a very thorough job. This will be a restoration we can really be proud of!
Having said that, I cant let some lowly freight car get the better of me. I spent most of the day sanding the next ceiling panels in the 319, and then applying first primer, as seen here. The center panels, the molding strips, and the lower panels were done. I also started reinstalling one of the molding strip above the car cards, as seen last time, but didnt take a picture. With two space heaters going, the main compartment gets up to a nice temperature for painting and woodwork.
Notice something missing? When we got these cars from Cleveland, the wreck tools and first aid boxes had been stolen. In the 319, I had found some replacement wreck tools and installed them, but CA&E first aid boxes are scarce. Im willing to offer a reward for their return.

Just so you wont worry, let me point out that every car in revenue service will have a large plastic emergency box with a fire extinguisher and nice new first aid supplies. This will usually be stored under a seat or in some out-of-the-way location -- the crewmen will know where it is. So theres never any need to break glass to get to an old first aid box, and it might be empty! Phil Stepek of the Coach Dept. provides these boxes and their supplies, and keeps track of them so everything is ready for use. Thanks, Phil!
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